Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by Multiplication Network Ministries as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course. The authors write with church planting experience in different countries and with a background in training and teaching thousands of students and church planters.
The Introduction to Stronger Churches workshop enables church leaders to keep a congregation focused on its task as God's agent in a particular place. The workshop presents the importance of a biblically defined vision, introduces leaders to the ten characteristics of a healthy church, and invites leaders to see their church as a system that can have a significant impact on its community. This manual provides additional material and suggestions for people who wish to lead the workshop.
Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by Multiplication Network as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course. The authors write with church planting experience in different countries and with a background in training and teaching thousands of students and church planters.
La siembra de iglesias saludables es tanto un libro de texto académico como un curso. Es proporcionado por la Red de Multiplicación como un recurso gratuito para institutos bÃblicos y seminarios. Este libro de texto, preparado por nueve colaboradores de diferentes denominaciones y escrito en un nivel introductorio, es la pieza central de un curso de plantación de iglesias.
This book presents ten vital signs of a healthy church: five key commitments and five key functions. It then introduces you to a church health diagnostic tool you can apply to your setting. Thousands of pastors and leaders around the world have found this framework helpful in organizing the ministry and mission of the local church. This book and the free diagnostic tool it presents are most useful if accompanied by a robust engagement in conversations.
Monthly report for encouraging church-planters-in-training to share the gospel with new people every month and invite them to join their small group Bible study. Primarily used with the Mission to Multiply curriculum, 12 modules for church planter training.
This workshop helps leaders reflect on the tasks and abilities necessary to plant healthy churches. It includes topics such as: the biblical basis for church planting, the profile and family of the church planter, steps to planting churches, models for church planting, and the characteristics of a healthy church.
Mission to Multiply is a 12-module training that provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. This curriculum shows you what is covered in each module. Modules 1-4 are available online and for modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no cost.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 1: Session 1 - What is a healthy church? Session 2 - What is a Healthy Church Planter? Session 3 - "Z" Thinking: What does God want? Session 4 - The Church Planting Cycle. Session 5 - Why Small Groups? Session 6 - Inductive Bible Study Methods I: Letting the Bible Teach Us. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no charge.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 2: Session 1 - Spiritual mapping: Principles of Research. Session 2 - Developing and Sharing Your Personal Testimony. Session 3 - Leading Small Groups. Session 4 - Inductive Bible Study Methods II: Observing God's Word. Session 5 - How to Mobilize Prayer for Your Church Plant. Session 6 - A Concert of Prayer: Psalm 95. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 3: Session 1 - Sharing Your Research. Session 2 - Sharing Your Testimony and Prayer Walking. Session 3 - Discerning God's Vision. Session 4 - Defining the Mission. Session 5 - Defining Values. Session 6 - Defining Strategies. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no charge.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 4: Session 1 - Justification by Faith. Session 2 - Biblical Principles of Leadership. Session 3 - Evangelism and Church Planting. Session 4 - Starting a Small Group. Session 5 - Evangelism and Meeting Community Needs. Session 6 - Inductive Bible Study Methods III: Interpreting God's Word. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This interactive course will prepare you with the doctrinal and theological foundation to understand Multiplication Network Ministries core philosophies.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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