Multiplication Network provides two ministry pathways: More Churches and Stronger Churches. These ministry pathways live into our shared vision: to see a healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in every community.
Leaders are challenged to start new churches with this proven strategy. Practical skills, biblical training, mentoring, and follow-up form part of this intensive action/reflection model.
To access the materials for each step, go here.
The Introduction to More Churches vision workshop is a one-day event that answers the important questions church leaders have about the need to have a vision for multiplication. The workshop inspires leaders to action while giving a clear strategy to implement. The workshop prepares leaders to answer the critical question: Is church planting a task we are ready to tackle?
The Church Planter Retreat is a three-day intensive workshop that provides the basic tools to build an action plan and to begin the task of starting a church. This step is a time of prayer and conversation between the church planter, their family, and the supporting mother church to process the information, clarify the plan, and develop a consensus about moving forward. The retreat prepares potential church planters to answer the critical question: Is everyone sure that we are being led to start a church?
Multiplication Network offers a Mentoring workshop for the mother church leader who will accompany the new church planter through the process. Mentors and church planters are encouraged to meet monthly through the modular training to ensure a healthy and encouraging support system. The mentor training answers the critical question: Are we ready to support the church planter so that we finish the race the Lord has put before us?
The 12-module training process called Mission to Multiply provides just-in-time training and support both for ministry and for life. Leaders start new churches as they are trained using this modular approach. The church planters receive practical skills, basic biblical instruction, and measurements to track at each of the 12 training modules. Follow-up by trainers and mentors form an important part of this intensive action/reflection model.
At the end of the training modules, a celebration is encouraged of the progress made toward the development of a new congregation. When a congregation is established, a “birth certificate” is available as a part of the celebration. The church planter is encouraged to continue to develop the congregation and can use the Stronger Churches Pathway as a tool to toward the goal of a healthy congregation.
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