Take Your Church's Pulse (TYCP) is a diagnostic tool that enables leaders to assess the level of health in the congregation and evaluate key areas of ministry according to the ten characteristics of a healthy church. It serves as a tool for evaluation and planning for the local church.
The online tool will allow you and the members of your church to answer questions (70 total) about the 10 characteristics of a healthy church. The tool will automatically tally and graph your results. Once the survey has ended, the leadership team can examine the results and review them for discussion.
The 10 training modules for Stronger Churches provide modular training for congregations with the same training essentials and dynamics that church planters are trained successfully with all over the world. Each training module gives congregations basic biblical instruction, practical ministry tools, and action plans that provide a strategy for moving the congregation toward health. The congregation evaluates its ongoing progress at each training using a healthy church feedback report. The result is a congregation focused together on accomplishing God’s Kingdom work to have a larger impact on their community.
Pastors are encouraged during the training to identify and mentor a future leader to be a church planter. Each month of the modular training, the pastor is asked if a leader has been identified and if they have met for mentoring.
Stronger Churches Modules - Facilitator
Stronger Churches Modules - Participant
This book presents ten vital signs of a healthy church: five key commitments and five key functions. It then introduces you to a church health diagnostic tool you can apply to your setting. Thousands of pastors and leaders around the world have found this framework helpful in organizing the ministry and mission of the local church.
This book and the free diagnostic tool it presents are most useful if accompanied by a robust engagement in conversations. We trust that humble, prayerful, and courageous men and women discussing these ten vital signs will be led by the Holy Spirit to discern a preferred future for your community of faith.
The Introdution to Stronger Churches workshop enables church leaders to keep a congregation focused on its task as God’s agent in a particular place. The workshop presents the importance of a biblically defined vision, introduces leaders to the ten characteristics of a healthy church, and invites leaders to see their church as a system that can have a significant impact on its community.
The Take Your Church's Pulse Diagnostic Tool is available online but you can also choose to use the paper version, which is currently available in more than 10 languages.
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - English // Participant
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Amharic
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - French (Africa)
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Mandarin
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Hausa
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Khmer // Compressed
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Latvian
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Lithuanian
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool - Nepali
Take Your Church's Pulse Tool Compressed - Portuguese (Brazil)