Before Mariamu John gave her life to Jesus, she hated Christ and Christianity. “My life was dedicated to witchcraft and in obeying whatever the witch doctors told me,” she says. A few years ago, she woke up one morning to...
When Ricardo González was invited to participate in the church planter training with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM), he said yes without much hesitation. One of his principal motivations for accepting was because he...
During the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Alivera’s children were brutally killed. That day, she not only lost her loved ones—Alivera lost hope as well.
She felt God had abandoned her.
For the next 20 years, Alivera had nothing to do...
Soon after Rufino Pineda and his family became Christians, they decided to move to the city. But after a while, they realized that they needed to return to where Rufino grew up. Their reason? The people there needed to hear the...
Upon remembering the earthquake on April 16, Sofía Escobar cannot hold back her tears, especially thinking about the pain of those who lost their spouses or children.
“There is a lot of melancholy and desperation,” she shares...
As the pastor continued to preach, Edwyn became more and more interested in what he was hearing. He had only come to the service because a coworker had invited him, but now he was glad he had come. When the pastor invited anyone...
On May 17-19, over 300 leaders representing 24 countries gathered in Quito, Ecuador for the 10th Annual Latin America Conference: Together for More and Stronger Churches. Before the event began on the evening of the 17th, leaders...
Pastor José Campos de la Fuente has been working to plant a church in Cunduacán, Mexico. He shares, “The church planter training with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) has helped us because we are seeing the work in a...
Jorge Aguilar is a farmer and has worked for a few years in the agriculture world in Honduras. He has experience in the care of plantations and planting and harvesting. He also knows that sometimes his job can take more time than...
Planting a church in La Unión, Ecuador, was going to be more difficult than Víctor Medrana thought. The local priest spoke out against the Bible studies Víctor was starting. He encouraged people to sign a petition to get the...