Un método útil para formar y multiplicar verdaderos discípulos.
El presente taller permite a los líderes a reflexionar sobre: las características o cualidades que hacen saludable a un grupo pequeño no importa a qué estructura o modelo del mismo esté ligado. Invita a revisar los propósitos de los grupos pequeños y a reflexionar sobre su utilidad en la formación de verdaderos discípulos como una herramienta útil en la tarea de las iglesias de evangelizar y discipular.
Cómo dirijo grupos pequeños saluadables de plantación de iglesias? Este libro fue escrito para ayudar en la formación de los grupos pequeños de plantatción. Lo recomendamos a todos los plantadores, mentores y pastores, como una herramienta para entender los grupos pequeños de plantación y sus dinámicas grupales, con el fin de establecer la nueva iglesia emergente.
Monthly report for encouraging church-planters-in-training to share the gospel with new people every month and invite them to join their small group Bible study. Primarily used with the Mission to Multiply curriculum, 12 modules for church planter training.
Mission to Multiply is a 12-module training that provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. This curriculum shows you what is covered in each module. Modules 1-4 are available online and for modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no cost.
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 1: Session 1 - What is a healthy church? Session 2 - What is a Healthy Church Planter? Session 3 - "Z" Thinking: What does God want? Session 4 - The Church Planting Cycle. Session 5 - Why Small Groups? Session 6 - Inductive Bible Study Methods I: Letting the Bible Teach Us. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no charge.
You'll receive monthly updates on what God is doing through all of us together around the world.