In the province of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia lives a church planter named Chetra Phorn. Once an antisocial and angry man, Chetra was brought to Christ through the work of Pastor Oun Sina. Knowing Jesus as his Savior changed Chetra’s life and made him a new person.
Chetra has been involved in Multiplication Network’s church planter training and is an outstanding student according to his trainers. “Chetra has been so faithful,” his trainers say. “He attends the training classes and puts into practice what he has learned.”
Since starting Multiplication Network’s training, Chetra has started churches in three different provinces in Cambodia. One in Kampot Province, one in Kampong Speu Province, and one in his home province, Kampong Chhnang.
Chetra has had to face several challenges, including persecution from his family. Some of his friends have left him due to his faith and his village leader will not let him preach in their village. Nevertheless, Chetra continues to share the Gospel with people. He is thankful for Multiplication Network’s training because it has helped him to start healthier churches with a deeper understanding of the Gospel.