In the province of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia lives a church planter named Chetra Phorn. Once an antisocial and angry man, Chetra was brought to Christ through the work of Pastor Oun Sina. Knowing Jesus as his Savior changed...
“I have found that as a human living on earth, we need to be physically healthy. Likewise, the churches of God need to be spiritually healthy from new converts to church leaders.” This is the conclusion that Sarann Nget...
Before Sam-Ol Nget knew Jesus, he was a Buddhist. He shares that he was prideful and misused alcohol and gambled. His brother Sarann first told him about Jesus but Sam-Ol did not believe in Him. “I ridiculed and looked down my...
Lor lives in the Kompong Thom Province in Cambodia with his wife and child. He has a passion for planting churches and has been doing the work since 2014. “I want to see a church established in every village,” Lor says.
When Lor...