Laura's Story - Panama

Laura Quiñonez has served for many years in different ministries at her church in Agua Dulce, Panama and has been involved in several ministerial roles within her denomination.

Laura says she always felt a call to serve others and fulfill the Great Commission. One of the opportunities she has had to carry out this call has been the invitation to be a Church Planting Coordinator for the central provinces of Panama.

In this role, Laura has had the opportunity to use the church planter training provided by you through Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) to instruct church planters and multipliers of her denomination in these provinces.

Laura enjoys this work. “It is one of the Lord’s commands to seek souls to be saved and through healthy churches we can carry out this mandate,” she says.

For her it has been a unique experience to receive the tools and resources from MNM and to be able to equip workers who go out into the field. “The local worker is trained so he can use and look for his own tools to expand the Kingdom of heaven," she says.

Laura knows there is much still to be done but she assures that this is a beginning and they are have been strengthened and are encouraging the planting of healthy churches among the pastors of the local churches so they get involved and send more workers to the harvest.

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