Coral Laleshka is working as part of a team at the School of Missions in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The School of Missions partners with and utilizes Multiplication Network’s training to better equip church planters in Ecuador. Coral is a trainer who works alongside several leaders to train younger generations at the school.
“I have had the opportunity to meet other young people, leaders, and missionaries by training them and motivating them to be part of the Great Commission,” Coral explains. “Every day I grow and learn from these students and the training. It is a beautiful experience because I feel that it allows me to know other contexts and meet more young people who are passionate about the mission of God.”
Though there have been challenges in starting churches, Coral has observed that there have been visible changes and transformations in communities where a new church has been planted. “I am motivated to continue training future church planters with the purpose of reaching those in the community for Christ,” Coral says.
“My dream is to plant a healthy church that testifies to Christ with the understanding that the Church is the people and not the building. Despite my age, my heart yearns to plant a church.”