Joseph's Story

My name is Joseph. I remember when I first planted this church.  We had about 20 people who began attending our church services every Sunday morning. It was a great beginning to my ministry, especially in a remote village where most people were devoted to their ethnic religion.

I was very excited for what was happening then and at the same time anticipating a very large growth of the church in this area. Time passed and the church never grew. I was disappointed. I wanted a change but did not how or what to change. I questioned myself if everything I was doing was right. Where will I find the solution to this problem? I thought.

At the beginning of 2014, I heard of a ministry by the name of Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) that was providing training for church planters. I learned they taught not just how to have more churches but how to have a healthy church! I hope I can find answers as to why my church isn't growing, I thought.

I joined the MNM training right when it started and decided to apply what I was learning in my church. Suddenly, the church started growing! We now have about 90 people coming to church every Sunday. And, praise the Lord, we have two people from our church who have gone and planted two new churches in the area of Lunzewe and Ushirombo!

I just want to thank God for making MNM available to us. It is a blessing to us church planters who serve in very remote places and there would never be enough money to buy what we have gained.

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