Dear friends and partners of Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM):

May the peace of Christ be with you!

I’m glad to report to you that our global staff, your team, is safe and taking precautions during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Travel has stopped, large gatherings postponed. But everyone is finding ways to minister despite the isolation. Thankfully, the MNM model of national partnership does not require us to repatriate foreigners to their country of origin. Instead, national leaders have been trained and prepared to be “spiritual first responders” in their own contexts, proclaiming a word of hope and encouragement—looking out for the most vulnerable in the name of Jesus.   

Some compare the COVID-19 pandemic to a world war. A “war creates no absolutely new situation; it simply aggravates the permanent human situation so that we can no longer ignore it” (CS Lewis, Learning in Wartime). The US Army War College uses the term VUCA when referring to times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Whether in business, ministry, or family, this describes the disruption we have all experienced in our lives over the last few weeks. Many are asking questions. Many are considering their station in life. The indigenous and national leaders MNM has already trained are now well positioned, on the front line, to share the gospel.

A few days ago, I read Psalm 27: “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” The verses that follow list a series of imminent dangers and threats to the psalmist. I love that in the Psalms there is room for the full range of human emotion and I suspect many of us are spending time there.

Recently, we gathered as an MNM team and remembered three principles that are important to us:

  • Name the pain: It is good to be honest and transparent of how we are feeling. Make room for lament. I like that the Scriptures give us permission to be real and name the pain and acknowledge the sense of loss we experience.
  • Remember your identity: We are not our own but belong to the Lord. We are children of God. We are rooted in the gospel and anchored in Christ. Circumstances change but our identity stands on solid rock.
  • Remember your vocation: We are called to walk in the Light and to be missionary agents of hope and reconciliation. Even in this situation we are still servants of the Kingdom: wash hands and keep washing feet!

The last verse of Psalm 27 calls us to patience saying, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” That is what we are attempting to do at MNM.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us globally as national leaders in newly planted churches are having to find different ways of ministering in their communities. Much more is now being done through social media and virtual online meetings. As everyone practices “social distancing” to abide by nationwide restrictions to “flatten the curve,” amazingly we are finding people have much more time for sustained meaningful conversations. A time such as this is not being wasted! The MNM National Director in Spain, wrote: “In just the last 24 hours hundreds of people have died in Spain because of the Coronavirus. But in the middle of this sadness, we have opportunities the Lord provides to us.”

We want to thank you for allowing us to partner with you in mission to the world with the truth and peace of the gospel.

The opportunity that we have in God’s ministry of reconciliation in the world is to use both common sense and also be bold in ministering to others. With God’s direction and through the power of His Holy Spirit, MNM (you and us in partnership) can not only survive this global Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic but realize it is possible to thrive as we trust and place our faith firmly in Him.

John Wagenveld

Founder / President

Multiplication Network Ministries

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