Mudumbi's Story – Congo DRC

Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) Founder and President Dr. John Wagenveld says, "The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us globally as national leaders in newly planted churches are having to find different ways of ministering in their communities." Please note that all of MNM's leaders around the world have been cautioned to reduce exposure and be safe while following the regulations set by their countries' governments.

Mudumbi Chance will never forget where the Lord has brought her from. She grew up in a nominal religious family in Congo DRC but lived her life as she pleased. She didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus and never thought about how her life actually belonged to God and that she should live as He desired her to live.

When Mudumbi’s mother gave her life to Jesus, she wanted her daughter to come to know Christ, too. She was concerned about the kind of life Mudumbi was living. Mudumbi grew to hate her mother because she was inviting Mudumbi to have a relationship with Jesus, which she had no interest in. This led to a time of conflict and misunderstanding for both of them.

Eventually, Mudumbi became uncomfortable living with her mother. She would leave her home in the morning and spend the day with her friends who worked as prostitutes. The Bible warns God’s people not to surround themselves with bad company to avoid temptation. Mudumbi eventually could not resist her friends’ pressure. “I started doing what my friends were doing,” says Mudumbi.

“My mother did not give up on me. She would come to my friends’ place and force me to come back home. But more importantly, she consistently prayed for the Lord to change my life.” Just as Christ never turns His back on us, neither did Mudumbi’s mom.

Mudumbi Chance and her Pastor William 1 AVB editOne day, Mudumbi was reading her Bible and found a verse that says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own...” (1 Corinthians 6:19). The verse impacted her. Mudumbi realized her life did not belong to her but to God. Since that day, she decided to make her body the temple of the Holy Spirit by giving her life to Jesus. 

“My life changed dramatically,” says Mudumbi. As she witnessed how God transformed her own life, Mudumbi developed a passion to see others experience change, too. She hopes to share her story so that the rest of her family members and those who live a life of unrepentance will come to know Christ.

One day, she heard her pastor talking about Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM). He invited those who have a heart for church planting to join the training. She immediately joined a church planter class and started the training. Her vision is to plant a healthy church through which her entire family and others will be saved.

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