Multiplication Network equips local leaders who already understand their culture, language, and social networks, enabling them to share the Gospel more effectively.

Multiplication Network is a non-profit organization that equips leaders with the tools and resources to strengthen and multiply healthy churches.

We do this through our training that can be contextualized to the culture where the training is being accomplished as well as providing easily reproducible materials around the world.

2025 Strategic Vision

Multiplication Network currently has a presence in more than 55 countries in our 7 ministry hubs in Latin America, East Africa, West Africa, Eurasia, Caribbean & US, Europe, and Asia.

By the end of 2025, we see 7,500 healthy churches being started annually and multiplying with verifiable ministry in 60 countries.

Our strategy is clear - each one of our 7 global ministry hubs will see significant growth in the number of countries served and healthy, multiplying churches started.

Mission & Vision

Our vision is to see a healthy church representing the Kingdom of God in every community. Our mission is to equip leaders with the tools to strengthen and multiply healthy churches. 

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We commonly “train the trainers” for entire denominations and independent mission organizations. These groups become multipliers themselves and will, in turn, train new church planters within their sphere of influence. This approach allows us to reach many more people utilizing strategic multiplication.

  • More Churches is a one-year modular church planting program. Emerging leaders are challenged to plant new churches as they are trained to use practical skills and basic biblical doctrine while experiencing follow-up mentoring.

  • Stronger Churches is an evaluative process intended to help strengthen the local church. It begins with a workshop that presents the importance of a biblically defined vision. Next the diagnostic tool, Take Your Church's Pulse, is used to help assess a church's current health and vitality. As part of this, a strategic planning process is then followed to help open up future opportunities to continue reaching people with the Gospel.

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