Joshua Ayuba is a missionary teacher in a primary school in Kwanginu, Nigeria. Before he received the church planter training provided by you through Multiplication Network, he believed he would be able to eventually retire from missionary work. “But my encounter with MNM has taught me that mission work and sharing the Gospel is a lifelong exercise,” he shares. “I’m so thankful because the trainings I have received through Multiplication Network have strengthened my zeal for preaching the Gospel.”

He has learned how to initiate conversations with strangers to share the Gospel with them. In his target area of Niger State, there are many Fulani Muslims. “Thanks to Multiplication Network’s training, many communities have been reached, including core Muslim areas, which I would otherwise not have reached.”

Joshua shares that he learned to be aware and respectful of local cultures and to apply wisdom while relating and sharing the gospel with them without drawing unnecessary attention or upsetting the larger Muslim community.

“When I first got involved with Multiplication Network , I did not expect much from it,” Joshua confesses. “But eventually, it changed my view and method of evangelizing.” Before the training, Joshua tended to stay away from Muslims altogether. He only shared the Gospel with people he suspected had just strayed from their Christian faith.

“But now, I also preach to Muslims wherever I meet them. Multiplication Network’s training has equipped me on how to work better with people, how to stand boldly before a large crowd, and broadened my understanding and knowledge of the Bible.”

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