Pendo's Story

Pendo Migozi is a woman full of love for the Lord. She is on fire to share the gospel. Her husband, Cletus learned how to be a church planter during his training with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM). Together they have been pastoring a church in Sengerema, Tanzania.

Pendo is happy to support Cletus’ ministry. They worked hand in hand serving the people of Sengerema.

But then Pendo began to feel uneasy in her heart. God was nudging her to do more. “Even though I had been helping Cletus in the ministry, it was obvious the Lord wanted me to do more in His Kingdom.” Pendo prayed a lot for the Lord to guide her. “I asked Him what He wanted me to do and how He wanted me to do it,” shares Pendo.

Pendo decided to participate in the MNM church planter training. After a year of training, she again sought the Lord ‘s will and felt Him telling her to go to Buriangere to plant a church.

“It was not simple for me to make a decision right away,” Pendo says. Buriangere is 7.5 miles from her home. After questioning what the Spirit had told her to do, Pendo decided to obey the voice of God. She started to plan how to reach the people of Buriangere with the gospel. But it was not easy for her to start a church there because it is a place where alcoholism and witchcraft were prevalent. Having no transportation of her own, Pendo was determined to walk there and reach the people of Buriangere with the good news of Jesus.

“At first, I was not sure I could make it. But I had confidence because I knew the Lord was present with me and that I was doing what He wanted me to do.”

During her MNM training, Pendo learned that she had to be part of the lives of the people in Buriangere. She showed them love and respect and this helped make the gospel real. “I thank God for the training I received from the MNM modules. The training and the tools I received have helped me to meet the people of Buriangere and to win their trust.”

Pendo boldly preached the gospel to them and God began to work in the lives of the people. There had never been an evangelical fellowship of believers in this village. People who were trapped in witchcraft and alcoholism have finally found their freedom because of the community of faith in this area.

“The people in Buriangere were under the power of darkness because there was no fellowship of believers in this area to be a light. But now I am very excited to see what God has done here,” Pendo shares.

Pendo does not see the work as complete—she wants to begin planning to plant more churches. “We are just vessels that God uses to accomplish His purpose,” she says.

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