I am Mayra and I am 49 years old. I have lived in Honduras my whole life and currently live about 30 minutes outside of the capital of Tegucigalpa. I hope you will allow me to share my story – I love to tell it because of how God dramatically changed my life.
My parents were Christians and I was taught from a young age about God. But when I was a teenager, I decided to leave that behind me. At 18, I got married to a man who did not fear the Lord. It was a difficult marriage. We had four children but my husband was violent and aggressive. After 12 years, I separated from him because I could not endure any more.
I had been taught that marriage is meant to last a lifetime and when I had to leave my husband, I felt like my world was falling down around me. I was sad with how my life was unfolding. In the midst of all this pain, God touched my heart. I knew I needed the God of my childhood in my life again. He called me back to Him and filled my life with peace where violence once reigned.
Because of what I have gone through, I can recognize when people are living in emptiness and have no hope. I knew God had saved me to point others to Him so I began sharing the gospel with neighbors. I didn't feel very prepared to disciple them and encourage them in their faith and so I joined the church planter training with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM). It taught me how to approach people and so many other things I did not know about planting a church.
My neighbor and family join me in going door to door to visit those in our community. I share my story and people are amazed that my children did not become involved in alcoholism or gangs because of the environment they grew up in. They understand that God sets us free and they believe in Him.
We have established a church in a house and we meet together to praise the Lord and learn from His Word. It is a gift to continue on in His work, especially when I look back on my life. His grace is sufficient.