Vicente Mejía and his wife Maki Hamada have a vision for the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico. They believe they are called to plant a church to bring God's Word to the people living there. "Churches need to extend themselves past the four walls of their buildings," Vicente says. "This way, we can reach the people in the community."
Vicente and Maki are receiving training from Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) on how to plant a healthy church. MNM's program teaches them how to evaluate the area to see what it needs and how to approach the people to share the gospel.
One of their desires for the new church is that it be a place where people can find the rest the Lord offers, experience the Father's love, and above all, that it be a healthy, inclusive church that is always growing out into the community.
"MNM's training has been a blessing and it gave us a lot of practical guides and steps to apply in our area and to approach the people we are working with," adds Maki.
Daniel Santos, who connected the couple with MNM, shares how the training has helped Vicente and Maki and others to have clearer objectives for church planting.
"We now realize the importance of giving the church planters a mentor who can share strategies and materials with them for their work. We understand the need to constantly evaluate progress," Daniel says. He is positive this is an opportunity to focus their strengths on specific objectives for establishing healthy churches.