José Amaya Yactayo Story - Peru

Before José Amaya followed Jesus, he looked to live life on his own terms. He cheated on his wife, drank excessively, and fought constantly with is family. “My home was destroyed,” admits José. “My kids didn’t want anything to do with me. We would fight, I would promise to change but then I’d go back to the same habits.”

Then José got terrible news—his wife was sick. Despite his actions, he loved her and was desperate for a solution. Someone told him of a Christian campaign that was going on near where they lived in Comas, Peru. José took his family and for three days, they heard about Jesus Christ. 

José was impacted by what he heard but still needed to know more. He and his family found a church to attend and there he accepted Jesus as his Savior. “I received Him in my heart and from that day I served Him—God restored my home and healed my wife. How can I not serve Him if He has been faithful in His promises?”

Eager to tell others his testimony of how Christ rescued him, José received the training provided by you through Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM). “The workshops, materials, and follow-up have helped us—they are necessary tools in the work of planting churches,” he says.

For José, one of the challenges has been the hardness of the hearts of the people not wanting to accept Christ or the gospel. However, he has also rejoiced in seeing the transformation that comes with salvation, especially in the families who have been changed by the gospel and now are involved in helping José in the work. 

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