Cristian Soto is a church planter in Santiago, Chile. “I am grateful to God because He has given us the opportunity to serve Him through the planting of a church,” he says.
As a member of the mother church, Cristian worked with other leaders to help several people in important ways. Through that service, he began to feel a stronger passion for the people who still do not know Jesus.
When Cristian’s pastor saw this, he encouraged Cristian to enroll in the church planter training provided by you through Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM). “He motivated us to plant a church here in Santiago, so we took on the task of doing it.”
It has been a great challenge from the beginning. Right when Cristian decided to start the project, the COVID-19 pandemic hit their area. “This stopped us in everything,” Cristian remembers. Nevertheless, when they were able to safely do so, they continued to work.
“We were attentive to the people we had visited and always praying for God to give us His direction,” Cristian says. “When we started with the church plant, we did it by meeting at home and we give the glory to the Lord because He has allowed us to be in our own place. We are serving more people who come to Jesus Christ.”
Cristian adds, “I want to thank MNM for the support through the training and material that they provide us to do our work better. We are very grateful and we are praying and trusting that God will do great things here in Santiago, Chile.”