Darlin's Story

Two-year-old Axael soaked in everything his parents did. Darlin and Olga were excited to see him growing more every day but Darlin began to realize something—Axael was misbehaving and it was because he was following Darlin's example.

Darlin had grown up in a Christian home but strayed from the Lord as he got older. It didn't bother him until he saw that his young son was learning bad habits.

A church was being planted in his community of Los Angeles, near Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Those planting it continually invited Darlin to join but he kept saying his job as a carpenter kept him too busy to come. To his surprise, his wife Olga began to attend the church!

"When she started to go, I was motivated too and decided to follow her," Darlin shares. The pastor taught them about Jesus and His plan for salvation. After accepting the Lord, the change was evident in their home. Something was happening in their lives and they liked what God was doing. Olga began to give her anger over to God and she and Darlin stopped arguing all the time.

Even though they have only been part of the church for two months, Darlin and Olga are joyful in their redeemed lives. They are at peace in their homes and hearts and Axael is being raised to fear the Lord.

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