Arnulfo's Story - Colombia

Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) Founder and President Dr. John Wagenveld says, "The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us globally as national leaders in newly planted churches are having to find different ways of ministering in their communities." Please note that all of MNM's leaders around the world have been cautioned to reduce exposure and be safe while following the regulations set by their countries' governments.

Arnulfo Duran Gómez is the Director of Ministries for his denomination and has been part of the challenge of planting churches the Baptist denomination accepted some time ago.

“As a denomination we suffered from the absence of a vision for new churches for several years. This led us to rethink many things in the mission and in the tasks,” shares Arnulfo.

In more than 30 years the denomination has been in the country, the growth has been scarce and not very intentional. Arnulfo says they decided to accept the challenge and implement the church planting strategy of Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM) at a national level.

“We direct the whole process from awareness seminars to motivating the pastors and  training. We give thanks to God for the ministry of MNM who has come to support us in these years,” says Arnulfo.

Although the challenges have been great, Arnulfo says that many districts have united and raised more than 100 leaders in the last several years and they have established more than 40 new churches.

“It has taken great effort but the results have been very satisfying. As a denomination we have managed to achieve the planting of new churches with results that we have not had for 30-40 years,” Arnulfo adds.

For Arnulfo and his denomination, this is just the beginning of an awakening for the need to plant more churches to share the gospel with so many who need to hear it in Colombia.

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