Anisia's Story - Tanzania

Anisia grew up knowing nothing about God. She was a prostitute for many years and truly could not believe that the Lord could set her free from this way of living.

Eventually, every man who was interested in marrying Anisia rejected her when they found out about the life of prostitution she was living. Anisia lost her sense of self-worth and started hating and rejecting herself. She had lost hope of a better future.

God’s grace met Anisia in the midst of her hopelessness and she gave her life to Jesus. “Everything changed after giving my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Before that, my life was empty and void but the Lord has completely freed me from that life,” says Anisia.

After surrending her life to Jesus, Anisia was blessed with a happy marriage. She and her husband are part of a local church in Katunguru, Sengerema, Tanzania where they are serving the Lord. Ever since Anisia gave her life to Jesus, she felt in her heart that the Lord wanted her to go the extra mile in her ministry. She felt God calling her to be a church planter.

At the first opportunity, she joined a church planter training class near her church. After completing her training, Anisia realized she had the skills and resources to start a new church. With the Lord’s blessing, Anisia plans to plant a church in a village about 150 Kilometers from where she lives.

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