Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by MNM as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries along with PowerPoints for each chapter. This PowerPoint is for Chapter 6. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course.
Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by MNM as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries along with PowerPoints for each chapter. This PowerPoint is for Chapter 7. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course.
Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by MNM as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries along with PowerPoints for each chapter. This PowerPoint is for Chapter 8. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course.
Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by MNM as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries along with PowerPoints for each chapter. This PowerPoint is for Chapter 9. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course.
This workshop helps leaders reflect on the tasks and abilities necessary to plant healthy churches. It includes topics such as: the biblical basis for church planting, the profile and family of the church planter, steps to planting churches, models for church planting, and the characteristics of a healthy church.
This church health evaluation tool can help your congregation begin a process of healthy conversations that will clarify your vision and provide valuable information from the members of your church. For an online version that you can share with members of your church and receive results, go to
El Retiro de Sembradores es un campamento intensivo para sembradores de iglesias que ha sido dictado en muchos países del continente.
O Retiro de Plantadores (antes conhecido como Bootcamp) é um acampamento intensivo para plantadores de igrejas que tem sido realizado em muitos países do continente. Você é o beneficiário de mais de uma década de experiência com este material que já passou por várias revisões e melhoras.
La presentación para acompañar el taller Sembremos Iglesias Saludables.
El presente taller permite a los líderes reflexionar sobre la tarea y las destrezas necesarias para sembrar una iglesia. Incluye temas como: el fundamento bíblico, qué pasos\r\ndebemos dar para sembrar iglesias, modelos de siembra. Además resume algunas características de la iglesia saludable que se desea establecer.
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