This church health evaluation tool can help your congregation begin a process of healthy conversations that will clarify your vision and provide valuable information from the members of your church.
The Strategic Planning Process is an exciting time of utilizing results from the Take Your Church's Pulse tool, as well as further work and prayer together to choose the best direction for your church and its ministry. With the strategic plan, you can be confident that biblical, sensible, and reliable details are communicated well. The result is a church with\r\npersonnel focused together on accomplishing God's Kingdom work in the best possible way!
This workshop enables church leaders to keep a congregation focused on its task as God's agent in a particular place. The workshop presents the importance of a biblically defined vision, introduces leaders to the ten characteristics of a healthy church, and invites leaders to see their church as a system that can have a significant impact on its community. This manual provides additional material and suggestions for people who wish to lead the workshop.
This PowerPoint provides an introduction to the 10 characteristics of a healthy church as presented in the book Take Your Church's Pulse by Tim Koster and John Wagenveld. The Take Your Church's Pulse (TYCP) tool will allow you and your church to get an accurate understanding of where you can become stronger and what you are doing well. Find the online tool here:
Planting Healthy Churches is both an academic textbook and a course. It is provided by Multiplication Network Ministries as a free resource for Bible colleges and seminaries. The textbook, prepared by nine contributors from different denominations and written at an introductory level, is the centerpiece of a church planting course. The authors write with church planting experience in different countries and with a background in training and teaching thousands of students and church planters.
РУКОВОДСТВО ДЛЯ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕЙ СЕМИНАРА\r\n«Выездной семинар для организаторов новых церквей» представляет собой учебный модуль, рассчитанный на то, чтобы организаторы новых церквей рассмотрели основные аспекты организации новой общины верующих. Во время семинара, котор
Средство, которое поможет вам понять прошлое и приобрести видение будущего.\r\nTake Your Church's Pulse Tool Facilitator
РУКОВОДСТВО ДЛЯ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЕЙ СЕМИНАРА Этот семинар помогает руководителям обдумать задачи и свои возможности, которые необходимы для организации здоровых церквей. Семинар включает в себя такие темы, как: библейские основы организации новых церквей, краткая биография
«Процесс стратегического планирования» - это захватывающий период времени, когда применяются результаты, полученные с помощью диагностического средства «Измеряйте пульс своей церкви», а также когда продолжаются совместный труд и молитва для выбора наилучшего напр
This church health evaluation tool can help your congregation begin a process of healthy conversations that will clarify your vision and provide valuable information from the members of your church. This compressed version is only a few pages but there is another version with more instructions. Search on the Toolbox for Take Your Church's Pulse. For an online version that you can share with members of your church and receive results, go to
This 12-module training provides step-by-step instruction on how to plant a healthy church. In Module 1: Session 1 - What is a healthy church? Session 2 - What is a Healthy Church Planter? Session 3 - "Z" Thinking: What does God want? Session 4 - The Church Planting Cycle. Session 5 - Why Small Groups? Session 6 - Inductive Bible Study Methods I: Letting the Bible Teach Us. For modules 5-12, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send them to you at no charge.
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