Monthly report for encouraging church-planters-in-training to share the gospel with new people every month and invite them to join their small group Bible study. Primarily used with the Mission to Multiply curriculum, 12 modules for church planter training.
At the end of the 12-module church planter training called Mission to Multiply, the church planters are encouraged to fill out this report to celebrate the birth of a new church.
Those interested in planting a church are encouraged to fill out this profile to begin taking the church planter training with MNM.
The Introduction to Stronger Churches workshop enables church leaders to keep a congregation focused on its task as God's agent in a particular place. The workshop presents the importance of a biblically defined vision, introduces leaders to the ten characteristics of a healthy church, and invites leaders to see their church as a system that can have a significant impact on its community. This manual provides additional material and suggestions for people who wish to lead the workshop.
n this four-session workshop, you will learn the basics of what a mentoring program should be like. Although what is taught in these four sessions can be applied in different contexts in the church, the purpose of this specific mentor training is for those who will coach church planters-in-training.
In this four-session workshop, you will learn the basics of what a mentoring program should be like. Although what is taught in these four sessions can be applied in different contexts in the church, the purpose of this specific mentor training is for those who will coach church planters-in-training.
This church health evaluation tool can help your congregation begin a process of healthy conversations that will clarify your vision and provide valuable information from the members of your church. For an online version that you can share with members of your church and receive results, go to
Un método útil para formar y multiplicar verdaderos discípulos.
El presente taller permite a los líderes a reflexionar sobre: las características o cualidades que hacen saludable a un grupo pequeño no importa a qué estructura o modelo del mismo esté ligado. Invita a revisar los propósitos de los grupos pequeños y a reflexionar sobre su utilidad en la formación de verdaderos discípulos como una herramienta útil en la tarea de las iglesias de evangelizar y discipular.
La siembra de iglesias saludables es tanto un libro de texto académico como un curso. Es proporcionado por la Red de Multiplicación como un recurso gratuito para institutos bíblicos y seminarios. Este libro de texto, preparado por nueve colaboradores de diferentes denominaciones y escrito en un nivel introductorio, es la pieza central de un curso de plantación de iglesias.
El rol de mentorear en la iglesia local. Para el audiolibro, escribe a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This PowerPoint presentation accompanies the four-session workshop on mentoring.
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